Organic Map Instructions and Examples

Organic Map Instructions and Examples

Section 205.202(c) of the National Organic Program Regulations (7 CFR Part 205) states that any field or farm parcel must have distinct, defined boundaries and buffer zones, such as runoff diversions, to prevent the unintended application of a prohibited substance to the crop or contact with a prohibited substance applied to adjoining land that is not under organic management.

The map should include:

  • Locations of each field/unit with numbers or names that correspond with records.
  • Distinct boundaries for each field/production unit
  • Location (and name) of roads and rights-of-way
  • Estimated acreage or square footage for each field/unit
  • Locations of field buffer zones.  Buffer zones are strips of land that separate organic fields from conventional fields or other sources of possible contamination.  No prohibited substances may be used in a buffer zone; however, any crops grown in a buffer zone may not be sold as organic.
  • Hydrological features such as ponds, streams, and wells
  • Locations of buildings and other structures
  • Adjoining land use (if the land use is agricultural, please clarify if the land is under organic management or nonorganic management)
  • Orientation, such as an arrow indicating compass directions
  • Those with greenhouse and indoor production units are requested to submit a complete and accurate diagram of your facility that accurately represents both your internal floor plan and external sites (i.e. tables, pallets, entrances and exits, loading docks, irrigation lines and tanks, etc.).
  • Do not identify crops that are currently in production. If you do identify crops in current production, the map will only apply to the current production season, and you will be asked to submit updated maps during the next annual update.

Use the following links to view examples of field and farm maps that properly identify the above information:

Example Map 1 Organic Production Bordering Conventional Production
Example Map 2 Field Map of Organic crop Circle .pdf
Example Map 3 Large scale production farm map.pdf
Example Map 4 Organic Produce Farm.pdf
Example Map 5 Organic Greenhouse.pdf
Example Map 6 On-farm Processing Facility.pdf